1. Focus on public rooms, common rooms: kitchen, living room, entertainment room, entryway, guest bath and the one used the most.
2. Prepare the kitchen for holiday cooking. Clean and organize kitchen cabinets, paying major attention to cooking supplies, ingredients, pans and equipment.
3. Clear kitchen counters of all appliances and STUFF not used within the last week. Clear counters and provide more room for holiday cooking.
4. Wash light-diffusing bowls from light fixtures.
5. Check dryer exhaust tube and vent for built-up lint, debris or birds’ nests! Make sure the exterior vent door closes tightly when not in use.
6. Schedule fall furnace inspections.
7. Clean electronic and heating vents and elements monthly for most efficient operation. Wash them in an empty dishwasher or with a strong spray nossle in your tub or wash bin. Size will depend.
8. Have chimneys and flues inspected and cleaned if necessary.